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Breaking the Cycle: How to Combat Social Media Addiction

I have for many years been very phone-independent. I could go on forever without checking my phone. In the last few years, this has changed when social media has become part of my art business, part of sharing my creations with you all.

And I find myself now spending a lot of hours on it, I think way too much, especially durithe last year, scrolling endlessly on TikTok to rest my brain, but it does not at the end. It is quite the opposite.

This week, I tried to do a full week without it. No posting, no watching. Nothing. No grasping the phone. But grabbing a book instead or just doing nothing at all. It has not been easy.

my Instagram

In this blog post, I will explore practical tips which I found while researching the subject for breaking free from the grip of social media addiction and reclaiming our time and mental well-being.

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish designated times during the day for checking social media, and stick to them. It is usually in the evening for me. But it becomes very easily the entire evening. I set app usage limits but it is too easy to bypass them. I saw people advising productivity apps that block access to social media during certain hours. I have not tried these apps. For now, I have decided not to bypass any app usage limits which I set, and stick to them.

  2. Practice Mindfulness: Be mindful of your social media usage by paying attention to how you feel before, during, and after scrolling. Notice any patterns or triggers that prompt you to reach for your phone, and take steps to address them mindfully. I am definitely doing that more often now. I know that TikTok is not an app that makes me happy, but it is the app the least easy to stop scrolling.

  3. Find Offline Activities: Rediscover the joy of offline activities that bring you fulfilment and joy. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk in nature, or pursuing a hobby, make time for activities that nourish your mind and soul away from the screen. I do not have a problem with this. I take a lot of time, observing nature, but for sure I want to increase my reading time, which has decreased a lot in the past 5 years.

4. Connect Face-to-Face: Prioritize real-life connections by scheduling regular face-to-face interactions with friends and loved ones. Engage in meaningful conversations and activities that foster genuine connections and deepen your relationships offline. That is also something that I have been doing more and more.

5. Practice Digital Detoxes: Take regular breaks from social media by participating in digital detox challenges or scheduling periodic social media fasts. Use this time to recharge, reflect, and engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-care. That was the goal of this week. I am happy with the result but there is still a lot to do.

6. Set Intentions: Before logging into social media, set intentions for how you want to use your time online. Focus on consuming content that inspires, educates, or uplifts you, rather than mindlessly scrolling through endless feeds.

7. Seek Support: Don't be afraid to reach out for support if you're struggling to break free from social media addiction. Seek guidance from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals who can offer support and accountability.

By implementing these strategies, you can gradually reduce your dependence on social media and create a healthier balance between your online and offline life. Remember, breaking free from social media addiction is a journey, so be patient and compassionate with yourself along the way. This is a journey I am on at the moment and I will update you soon! I hope these pieces of advice have been helpful!

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